Cancer & Permanent Makeup
Did you know that the American Cancer Society says in the United States alone cancer will occur in 3 out of 4 families, and cancer plays no favorites?
My Mom was working in the professional field when she was diagnosed with cancer. Like most people who are struck with cancer, she couldn’t afford not to work. She continued at her job while undergoing radiation, and chemo treatments. Mom lost all her hair including most of her brows, and eyelashes; just like the client I’m going to share with you today.

Patty was happy to share her pictures with you to help others who are going thru the turmoil of hair loss with cancer. She wanted you to see the benefits of the Permanent Makeup

We can put clothing on, and wear decorative hair pieces to cover scars and loss of scalp hair, but our eyebrows and eyelashes will give the cancer away every time! Mom was self conscious of her appearance which became the motivator for me to learn how to do permanent makeup. Now, 25 years later, I’ve had the privilege of working with thousands of men & women like Mom, and Patty.
As cancer is on a rampant rise, so is the need to look, and feel as normal as possible while going through this devastating experience. Hope, Faith, and Self confidence makes all the difference in the world!