A beautiful masterpiece
Yesterday, an image came across my mind as I was reflecting on some of the hard times I had to process through in my life. I started to feel the pains of times of the past trying to catch up to my present me….. then…. I saw visions of these pieces of time that were connected to my heart, drawing themselves together as if trying to create a design of some sort. It was like a fingertip was forming them into a beautiful masterpiece before my eyes.
I looked on as these distorted fragments were laying about as though they were scrambled on top of a small surface. All I could see were images that appeared like puzzle pieces with these broken time frames, and I could tell they were fragments from my journey through this life. I struggled to fight back the tears, not wanting to allow them the space to tug at my heart. Nothing else was visible other than the color that came from these small images, and they took up an area of space no bigger than the mosaic table I had purchased.
Last month I had purchased a beautiful plant stand to use in my studio. I thought it would be the perfect stand to hold the tools I use to do permanent makeup, needling, and derma planing on my clients. Each time I dip my hand tool into the pigment, setting on this beautiful mosaic table, I feel this peaceful, pleasing feeling, and I notice a flow of energy allowing this creative action to take place through my fingertips.
There were a few times I was going to take this plant stand back thinking I needed something taller, not recognizing it’s true meaning and value. With each thought that entered my mind to return it, came another thought from something bigger inside me saying, “Hang on!” Now I’ve learned why….
Here I am, almost a month later, and the value of these strategically placed pieces to create a beautiful mosaic table has shown it’s true meaning.
Who would have known that this mosaic table purchased at Hobby Lobby for only $24.99 would bring such a significant value into helping me work through some pains from my past.
With God as my potter, and me as the clay; his hands shape the pieces of the good and the bad, my successes and my failures, my pains and my joys, along with the light, and the darkest of days.
As our hardships are all spread out before him he designs a beautifully orchestrated pattern strategically woven together to make something magical.
Although, in my vision I could not see the pattern in its finished form my eyes began to swell and my heart became full. I knew that the one who looks over me, the one who never fails, the one who remains faithful, and trustworthy; once again, has shown me the way through an uncertain time with his deep love that he has for me. He has this same love for each one of us!
With great love and thankfulness, I continue to remain in AWE for my helper, and my God,
Alisa Florio
If you are trying to rise above a situation, or circumstance that seems to have control over you, preventing you from living a richer, fuller life; understand this….these situations and circumstances cannot control you without your consent. There is a power alive in you that can shift you toward your success! I want to encourage you to search deep within your spirit, and ask yourself these 2 questions:
1. “What is it that I love to do?”
All of us have a talent, but unfortunately some of us have not discovered it yet. My hope is to connect you with this “Super Power,” within yourself that can lead you to living a life you love living. When we focus on what it is that we love we find an internal energy that we didn’t realize we had. I want you to understand this truth, wherever you place your time and energy; it will grow! Therefore, if you focus your time and energy on what you’re lacking; you will experience more lack. If you focus your time and energy on something that you love doing, something that makes you feel alive and gives you a sense of purpose; you will watch this side of you grow! If you could do anything in your life, what would you do? What does a life you would love living look like for you? Would you be a pre-school teacher, a doctor, or a writer? What is it you would love to do? The side of you that you give more time and energy to; is the side that will dominate. We have the ability to shift our thinking in order to get a clearer vision of what we want. This system for transformational thinking does work; I’ve done it!
2. Start by asking yourself, “What am I thankful for?”
What do you have in your life, “right now” that leaves you feeling thankful? Through self awareness I’ve discovered that living life from a state of thankfulness has led me to living a more joyful life. This doesn’t mean that uncomfortable circumstances don’t come knocking on my door, but it does mean that I have the choice in how I respond to these circumstances. I can either respond by design, or fall into a victim status. We cannot live a richer, fuller expression of life if we allow a, “victim status” to dominate our thinking process. Responding from this victim status leaves us with feelings of hurt, and lack. Keeping us stuck, and in bondage because we are focusing our energy on lack, and it’s showing up in our finances, and relationships. When we choose to become the designer, this is when we turn our dominate attention towards a deeper connection with the giver of life. When we become aware of what we’re focussing on and shift this energy toward the good, we can actually watch our stifling situation change into a creativity bigger than us. Ultimately, this shift from that negative energy in our thinking process goes from believing we are stuck, into the land of possibilities, or “What if’s.”
I want to encourage you to say back to these thoughts that want to rob you of your joyful life, “Even though it is not clear to me how I can change these limiting thoughts, I WILL transform them because I know the truth… there is a solution, and the resources are already here! I will keep my focus on the POSSIBILITIES as I keep myself open to this power within me that has the ability to push forward in spite of my fear. I will continue filling my thoughts with knowledge, and these truths will connect me to this inner strength, and I will be set free to experience a life I love living!”
As you wait for a solution, I want to encourage you to take the action steps needed to find this part in you that makes you feel confident… what gives you this feeling of thankfulness. Think of the successes in your life, and write them down so you can look at them. Ponder on the things that you can do well? What is it that you enjoy doing, such as: sewing, cooking, painting, cleaning, designing? When you come up with the answer spend time doing it. This will help you get into a state of gratitude so you can explore, and bring to life what makes you, “FEEL OF PURPOSE!” This feeling will help you to feel expansive so that you can grow past the feeling of lack in your life, and into the land of living this expansive version of yourself. This side that has released any feelings that make you feel constricted. Allow yourself to feel a sense of freedom. We all need to know that WE MATTER, so fill yourself up with what it is that you know you do well, and this expression of goodness will flow through you as it spills onto others!
It is vital for each of us to feel a sense of value, and with this sense of value comes the desire to grow, and to build the skills that are necessary to help us experience a successful outcome. Will we experience some bumps, or failures along the way? YES! Remember, these are not failures; these are stepping stones that are needed to keep your feet pressing forward. Each of us have a unique, in-ate ability that, when discovered and utilized, we WILL experience a richer, fuller life.. Through trial and error, I’ve learned that when I keep my hands busy doing good things, good things come from it.
Learn to get quiet and listen; the solution is inside of you. Visualize yourself on the other side of your circumstance!
Get quiet. Listen. There is a soft voice inside of you trying to get your attention. This is often referred to as a still, small voice. This voice will lead you to discovering what you love and help you find the solution to get to the other side of your circumstances.
It is amazing how inspired we become when we have something to cling on to; especially in our tough times. We have a live spirit that lives in us just waiting for us to call out for help. Wanting to be involved in our personal circumstance, and lead us into living a life we love living.
Yes, each one of us face fears, and when we try escaping these fears and lose the battle it can keep us stifle; holding us hostage for fear of entering into an unknown territory. We tend to fall into a repetitive lifestyle because this fear fights to win us over, and keep us wrapped up in our current paradigm of life.
Did you know that most of our fears never come true, and you can actually control your life even when fear tells you you can’t? Every time your fear wants to tell you why you can’t do something, say back to it, “I will face you later, but for now I am going to try something new!”
I am not asking you to try to beat this fear out of your thinking process, but I am asking you to invite your fear to come along with you. I’m simply encouraging you to apply these thinking tools from a proven system. Add these tools to your tool belt that leads you to experiencing a more richer, fuller, freeing life.
I believe when we make this shift from our limiting beliefs, this is when we really start to come alive.
I met Jesus personally while battling cancer. Then life took twists and turns toward divorce, some of my loved ones fighting drug addiction, and being diagnosed with cancer, mental illness, and other life threatening illnesses. Most recently the loss of people through death, or the ending of some of those not so healthy relationships. I tried so hard to keep all the bad things in the world separate from me and my family, while these bad things were trying to infiltrate my home, and tear our world apart.
When Jesus showed himself to me, and said, “Everything is going to be alright!”
His love pierced my heart as he began to work with me on shedding my old self. He made me promises
that started with, I am the same yesterday, today & forever.
It took me awhile to learn the value of this relationship and to put it above any other.
I had to learn to trust, since trust was not alive in me anymore.
He encouraged me to see that I was worth something other than the lies I was beginning to believe. Sometimes we have to become broken so Jesus can help us become strong. Now I wear this coat of armor that only God can hand to us. He comforts us with his grace, and showers us with his love. Jesus cleanses the filth from our past, and wipes away tears; turning them to joy.
Today I live in thankfulness, with a tremendous passion to connect people with Jesus and introduce them to the tools that he has provided to help free our minds from these limiting beliefs the world would like us to believe. In this book, “My Room of Tears,” I’ve share my love story about who Jesus really is and what he’s changed in my life. I believe we all have gone into our room of tears; this place of isolation, fear and loneliness in our minds. If you don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus and you want help to break the bondage of this mental rollercoaster in your mind, this book, “My Room of Tears,” will lead you to the man who can connect you with a life you can love!
If you have any questions please Contact Me.
Much peace and love,